this was really lovely to read. i feel a lot of similarly opaque yet powerful emotions. after finding myself unable to article them, i eventually just embraced that they’re not meant to be shared. it can be really isolating, and i admire your effort to use these feelings to connect with others instead of retreating into them
Thank you for sharing saudade. I always feel crazy for feeling like I am already mourning and missing a moment as it’s happening but it’s nice to know I’m not alone.
Well this made me cry. Going through a terrible year and lost a parent, and I literally said it was like a crack in my heart that let all the light bleed out, so this feels like something I needed to read. I would love to believe the wound will let light in someday
There is only the real and present Now after all, isn’t there? The longing backward and fearing forward hold us from present time and the moments that show themselves to us as moments of truth. May we never let time keep the light from reaching us.
I wish I could be as vulnerable as you. Your writing is so beautiful and the moments you describe brings memories that are hard but necessary to confront. Thank you I cried :,)
<3 made me think of the Japanese term kintsugi, when broken pottery is put back together and the cracks painted with gold. A very relevant term for what this country needs. Breaking, being made new.
I had to take some time before reading this, because I've been very mournful (interspersed with extreme rage) this past week. I'm glad I *did* read, though, because your words provided some solace.
I live in Indiana. I was born here. I went to college and graduate school here. I've run for office, served in elected office, been an active community member, and really sunk my roots in deep. I've been feeling stunted the past few years, though. My husband and I have discussed moving, but we could never quite get there. It's like we've both been waiting for something new and exciting and joyous to call to us somewhere else. That didn't happen. Instead, the country re-elected Donald Trump and Indiana spiraled deeper into single party rule that has already damaged so many of our institutions. We have now accepted that this is our cue to leave.
When you're looking for a sign, you don't want the bad one. But sometimes that's the one you get. Right now, we're planning to set up in Michigan for the time being, but the future is so uncertain. When I'm feeling really sad about where we are, I try to remember that I've been *wanting* to move. I've been feeling constrained. I've known it was time for something new. There is hope and beauty and possibility even as there is saudade.
Thank you for this one. I loved Perfect Days and think about it constantly. It truly feels like you put some of my own recent thoughts and feelings into words here.
Ruthkanda forever
this was really lovely to read. i feel a lot of similarly opaque yet powerful emotions. after finding myself unable to article them, i eventually just embraced that they’re not meant to be shared. it can be really isolating, and i admire your effort to use these feelings to connect with others instead of retreating into them
There's an Irish word that came to mind when I read about 'saudade'
beochaoineadh: (BYO-kweenuh) literally, a 'living lament'
Meant as an elegy for someone living who has gone away. Sending thoughts <3
Wishing you more beautiful moments in the smog Lolo
Thank you for sharing saudade. I always feel crazy for feeling like I am already mourning and missing a moment as it’s happening but it’s nice to know I’m not alone.
Well this made me cry. Going through a terrible year and lost a parent, and I literally said it was like a crack in my heart that let all the light bleed out, so this feels like something I needed to read. I would love to believe the wound will let light in someday
There is only the real and present Now after all, isn’t there? The longing backward and fearing forward hold us from present time and the moments that show themselves to us as moments of truth. May we never let time keep the light from reaching us.
I wish I could be as vulnerable as you. Your writing is so beautiful and the moments you describe brings memories that are hard but necessary to confront. Thank you I cried :,)
<3 made me think of the Japanese term kintsugi, when broken pottery is put back together and the cracks painted with gold. A very relevant term for what this country needs. Breaking, being made new.
I had to take some time before reading this, because I've been very mournful (interspersed with extreme rage) this past week. I'm glad I *did* read, though, because your words provided some solace.
I live in Indiana. I was born here. I went to college and graduate school here. I've run for office, served in elected office, been an active community member, and really sunk my roots in deep. I've been feeling stunted the past few years, though. My husband and I have discussed moving, but we could never quite get there. It's like we've both been waiting for something new and exciting and joyous to call to us somewhere else. That didn't happen. Instead, the country re-elected Donald Trump and Indiana spiraled deeper into single party rule that has already damaged so many of our institutions. We have now accepted that this is our cue to leave.
When you're looking for a sign, you don't want the bad one. But sometimes that's the one you get. Right now, we're planning to set up in Michigan for the time being, but the future is so uncertain. When I'm feeling really sad about where we are, I try to remember that I've been *wanting* to move. I've been feeling constrained. I've known it was time for something new. There is hope and beauty and possibility even as there is saudade.
Thank you for this one. I loved Perfect Days and think about it constantly. It truly feels like you put some of my own recent thoughts and feelings into words here.
This was beautiful and just what i needed <3
I needed this so bad‼️ thank you,Lolo :) u always make me feel seen🫶🏻
Cried while reading this. Really lovely. <3
This is beautiful, thank you